Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts

Friday, 27 April 2012

people's power

Well i see this as people's power and unity. How about you?

This scene is captured from Jalan Sultan during BERSIH 2.0 rally.

I believe 3.0 version will be more grand. 

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Himpunan Hijau 2.0

Let's GO!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Gov't spent over RM2mil to quash Bersih 2.0 rally

Oct 4, 11 11:23am

Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the government has spent over RM2 million to deploy over 11,000 police personnel to quash the Bersih 2.0 rally last July.

The minister in his written reply in Parliament said, the amount spent to handle the rally, that took place in Kuala Lumpur on July 9, included deploying personnel from contingents nationwide to aid the KL contingent.

Hishammuddin justified the spending of RM2,018,850 saying the police force was forced to “make comprehensive arrangements to acquire additional provisions such as food and drink, accommodation and other logistic needs”.

“The number of officers and policemen who were deployed to keep the peace in the Klang Valley district amounted to 11,046 including 2,600 other persons who were deployed," he added.

He was replying DAP-Seputeh MP Teresa Kok's question on the amount that had been spent in security forces from July 6 to 9.

On July 9 the coalition for free and fair elections Bersih 2.0 led an estimated 50,000 people from across the nation to march the streets of the capital demanding for electoral reform.

The authorities have been fiercely criticised for its mishandling of the rally, with heavy police crackdown resulting in 1,667 people, including 16 children, being arrested for "disturbing the peace" and taking part in an "illegal gathering".

[More to follow]

Monday, 18 July 2011

what a JOKE of the day

hohohoho people what a good Monday!

i'm laughing out loud (in my heart)!

you know who makes me laugh?

it's Datuk Anifah Aman and UiTM and Ibrahim Ali.

come read it at

If you don't feel it's funny, bye bye go away!

Queen in yellow

So why is the Queen Elizabeth wearing yellow when granting an audience to Najib and Rosmah? There are reasons. Hahah you are so cool la Queen of England. I respect you for your hidden message to my country. =p


Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bersih 2.0 Rally Photo #3

Date: 9/7/2011

Time: 2.05pm

Venue: Hentian Puduraya

Photographer: Oh Chin Eng

*All the photos will be uploaded to my Facebook. =p

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Bersih 2.0 Rally Photo #2

Date: 9/7/2011

Time: 2.28pm

Venue: Hentian Puduraya

Photographer: Oh Chin Eng

*One more last photo to go.

Bersih 2.0 Rally Photo #1

FRU is reloading canister bullet which contains tear gas in the Besih 2.0 rally that caused 1600 people got arrested.

Date: 9/7/2011 (Saturday)

Time: 12.43pm

Venue: In front of Central Market

Photographer: Oh Chin Eng

*More photos to come.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Editorial: Malaysia: Rich but not free

The leaders of Malaysia are laboring under an old paradigm that says you can have development or democracy, but not both. We have news for them: You can be rich and free at the same time. Malaysians deserve both and they deserve it now — not sometime in the future.

The lengths the government went to in trying to prevent and then break up the Bersih 2.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday shows that the nation’s leaders were still not prepared to let go — even when an increasing number of Malaysians of all races have been pressing for more freedom and justice.

The rally, defying a government ban, went down as the largest in Malaysian history. It was significant that representatives from all three major races participated.

The government vainly tried to play the race card, suggesting it was a concerted move to undermine the dominant Malay race. Earlier it suggested that the rally was a communist plot.

There was nothing subversive about the rally. It was held to demand electoral reforms ahead of the next election in 2012.

The demonstrators, who numbers were independently estimated to top 10,000, were simply trying to exercise their rights of free speech and assembly.

They may have defied the law, but they were still marching peacefully. A few clashes erupted when the police tried to break them up. When they did disperse, they did so peacefully.

The police clearly overreacted. They did not need to invoke the Internal Security Act to arrest some of the protest’s leaders before Saturday. They certainly did not need to detain more than 1,600 on the day of the demonstration.

Aspirations for freedom and democracy are universal. Governments everywhere will, sooner or later, have to make accommodations. You cannot suppress the people and deprive them of their freedom forever. You must give them their due — or else they will get it by force. The Arab Spring is a case in point.

Given its current economic strength, Malaysia is in an enviable position to allow greater freedom and democracy. It can afford to take some risks without necessarily undermining development. A few powerful people may stand to lose their economic privileges, but they should have been phased out by now.

The Bersih 2.0 rally is the clearest sign that Malaysians want freedom and justice, as well as wealth.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Democratising the rakyat

Filepic from Himpunan Mansuhkan ISA on 1/8/2009

You stand firm on the principal of democracy. You go against bad government. You speak up and articulate your thoughts. You create social awareness. You create fear to the people holding power. You got arrested. You are not given fair trial. Your voice is being suppressed.

Your image is ruined. Your family and friends are worried. You lost your job. You lost your dignity. You lost your rights.

You become the victim of democratization process for the betterment of the society and generations to come. The cost to pay is high.

But you fight for what you believe in, democracy.

For you people who are going to Bersih 2.0, PERKASA or UMNO Youth demonstration…

Is it worth it?

What kind of country are you living in?

No matter what you do, think of your loved ones.

Be responsible for your action.

For others..

While some people are out there using different ways to make lives better for everyone, what are you doing at home?

Telling the world that Malaysia is a bad country? Planning your future in overseas?

No point you people just sit there and watch. No point you people just criticize. No point you people just complain. No point you people just talk but no action.

The process of democratization won’t happen in a fortnight. It definitely won’t happen if no one ever takes the first step. Now the ball has rolled.

Are you going to take the baton and continue the long run?

If Malaysia is a democratic country, then show it. Behave like one!

You, must be part of it.

Uphold the integrity and sovereignty of Federal Constitution. Uphold the 5 principles of Rukun Negara.

People should stand united for any good cause either it’s against the Government or the Opposition.

Without voters, there’ll be no legitimate government. If now the Government is afraid of its people, are you gona be afraid of your government?

I am neither asking you to join demonstration nor asking you not to join demonstration.

Life is not about you and your future itself, it’s also about the generations to come.

Enough said.

ps: I do not hope to get arrested for this thought sharing. This is what Article 10 of the Federal Constitution offers. I love my country, Malaysia.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Photos of Bersih 2.0 Launching

Hi guys, i went to the launching of Bersih 2.0 at Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall last night. You can view the photos here.

Don’t steal my photos. But if you need to use it for official reasons, please acknowledge me. thank you.!/media/set/?set=a.10150211732127877.319634.599962876

Sunday, 1 May 2011

No (only) in Malaysia

In Malaysia, any rally, protest, demonstration, assembly, gathering and picket that held to demand something from the Government, it’s illegal. Other than Government, it’s legal.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Namewee, you BABI ah??

Photo from Malaysiakini.

i just got a news from

the news is about Perkasa members calling Namewee BABI and torched his photos which has been edited with his nose replaced with babi's nose.

Babi is pork la. Char Siu.

the Malays (the racist one la) all this while love to call us Chinese as babi. hahah! funny la. you call us Cina Babi just because we eat babi? or because you can't eat babi because it is haram is your religion?

funny. so how should we response? you Melayu Lembu kah because you eat lembu and the Hindus can't and some of the CHinese also can't take lembu?

lembu is beef by the way.

so i wana ask, Namewee, you Babi ah? i don't think you are lo cuz you walk with your back straight and not like babi. Babi can be eaten but you can't.

if you think are not, it's okla. just keep quiet lo. let them do what they want la. human wih brain won't call another human being as an animal ma right. eh maybe they don't have human brain. hahaha. 

aih wasted la. if i knew that Perkasa is so perkasa tonite by calling Namewee BABI and torch his pics, i am for SURE go down to KL! maybe i can get free Char Seow Bak there. eh i tau u people import Babi to Malaysia, gov also get $ ma.. suty import and tax and everything. not meh??

u thought i duno ah??

anyway im impressed with Perkasa la.

waaaa. they are so creative and good in Photoshop. they edit the picture nicely, i like the babi's nose. that Perkasa members also got so much money to print big posters of Namewee hor. then they also have to waste their matches and lighter to torch his photos.

so i'll just wait for the news whether police and FRU will dispersed them or not la. if got, how long they took to decide that Perkasa is holding an illegal assembly.

and i would also love to see whether anyone from the group will be charged la. maybe for illegal assembly, causing public disorder, harming the public, trying to burn down something ke..


well.. we'll see la what the police will do. alaa.. you know, i know, everyone knows that our police very fair one ma right. just that sometimes a bit abusive and double standard lo.

okla i say no more la. dangerous la.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

RELEASE Cartoonist Zunar NOW!

I was so shocked when i read the news just a while ago.

Cartoonist Zunar is arrested under Sedition Act and his latest book Cartoon-o-phobia got seized by the police at 4pm just now.

The blue shirt men got nothing better to do??

this is what i have to say, in a SERIOUS TONE!

yeh! this is my country, i love my Malaysia. people speak, you arrest. people gather peacefully, u arrest. people wana draw also you arrest ah?? 

fuyooo! tax payers money being used so productively and effectively. 


1Malaysia? hahahah.. yea yea.. whatever la.. you can silent a man, but you can't silent its people. you can banned a book, but you can never stop the growing and dissemination of ideas and voices from the grassroots. 

i guess you will never listen right? up to u la, suka hati hang ye.. as if you'll listen. masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri.  

kalau tak buat salah, apasai nk takut orang mengata? jgnla kita gajah depan mata tak nmpak, nyamuk seberang laut pula nmpak..  

i had enough.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Protest Against Israel

Kuala Lumpur, 3June - After afternoon prayers tomorrow, there will be a couple of demonstrations against Israel's actions against ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

PAS will be leaving from Kg Baru mosque to the Istana while Umno begins from the National Mosque but no clear indication yet where they are headed. Perkasa will be joining both although we don't know whether PAS will be comfortable marching alongside Perkasa.

Bernama reported that these two groups of protestors are expected to march to the United States' embassy.

The police have warned the public not to join any protests as they are not given permit.

More news at

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Protest at RTM - Against Political Interference

We the 528 Media Action Group,WAMI & CIJ, urge members of the public, political parties and NGOs to participate in a demonstration at RTM in response to the sacking of Chou Z Lam, who produced a documentary about the impact of Bakun Dam on indigenous people. Chou was sacked after he made public that his documentary was axed and that his superior in RTM has told him that “it would have negative impact on the (just-concluded) Sibu by-election”.

Please join us to make a stand that political interference into media industry, particularly in state broadcaster running on taxpayer money is unjustifiable!

Date : 19th May 2010 (Wed)

Time : 11:00am

Venue : RTM, Angkasapuri.

Organizers : *528 Media Action Group, WAMI & CIJ

Email :
Blog :
Facebook :!/group.php?gid=122474034436151&ref=ts
Online Petition :

Ng Yap Hwa, 528 Media Action Group (012-2658448)
Wong Chin Huat, WAMI ( 019-3502823)
Yi Wai Fong, CIJ (03-4023 0772)

Note : 528 Media Action Group was formed after the resignation of NTV7 senior producer Joshua Wong and the revelation by Chou Z Lam, TV2 producer on interferences in newsroom. We had jointly organized a series of flash mob, distribution of flyer with WAMI and CIJ in support of Wong & Chou. Our coming up event is “Malam Tak Nak Potong 528″ that has the support of 13 civil society groups. Coordinator is Ng Yap Hwa.


Thursday, 1 April 2010

Himpunan Mei 1 2010

""Ini adalah pesanan khidmat masyarakat.""

Setelah rakyat menyuarakan bantahan terhadap perlaksanaan cukai GST, Kerajaan telah menangguhkan bacaan kedua Akta GST di Parlimen. Alasan Kerajaan adalah ia mahu mendengar pandangan rakyat. Oleh itu, Jawatankuas...a Mei 1, akan menganjurkan satu perhimpunan aman bersempena Hari Pekerja dan menyuarakan bantahan terhadap cukai GST.

Jawatankuasa Mei 1, 2010 terdiri daripada badan bukan kerajaan , kumpulan masyarakat dan parti-parti politik akan menganjurkan Himpunan Mei 1, 2010 untuk memperingati perjuangan pekerja dunia dan memperkasakan kaum pekerja di Malaysia. Sambutan tahun ini juga akan fokus kepada isu semasa iaitu CUKAI GST.

Maka Himpunan tahun ini juga akan merupakan maklumbalas kepada kerajaan mengenai CUKAI GST!

Butir-butir program Mei 1 adalah seperti berikut :

TARIKH : 1 MEI 2010

MASA : 10 AM


Tema Himpunan Mei 1, 2010 ialah :


Tema kali ini amat relavan pada masa ini di mana kelas pekerja dan rakyat biasa akan menjadi mangsa kepada CUKAI GST . Rakyat biasa akan merana dengan peningkatan kos hidup.


Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi Saudari Nalini - 0193758912

Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Mei 1

""Mari kita menyertai program yang bermakna dan bersejarah ini.

Sebarkanlah berita gembira ini.

Ingat, jika anda inginkan perubahan, anda yang harus mengubahnya."


Monday, 29 March 2010

Lawyers to Deliver Memorandum of Protest to IGP

By Lord Bobo

In response to lawyer Amer Hamzah Arshad being manhadled and briefly arrested by police outside court last week, come Wednesday 31st March at 12pm, lawyers will deliver a Memorandum of Protest to the IGP at Bukit Aman. All are welcome to join in this peaceful protest of police brutality and preventive detention laws.

Lawyer Amer Hamzah Arshad manhandled and briefly arrested by police outside court
1. On 25th March 2010 Amer Hamzah had obtained his client Khaeryll Benjamin Ibrahim@ Benjy’s release on bail on a charge of drug possesssion at the Jalan Duta courts.
2. Near the bail processing counter, about 10 policemen suddenly converged on Amer and his client and ordered the client to go with them. Present were the client’s mother Azean Irdawaty, pupil Sharon Khoo and some family members.
3. The policemen were in plainclothes, and Amer demanded their identity and police card. A police inspector claimed that it was an arrest under the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act, i.e: detention without trial.
4. At this point, Amer was assaulted and briefly arrested. Two policemen grabbed Amer and held him back with force. Amer protested his treatment, and repeatedly asked the police not to touch him. Eventually Amer was released as his client was bundled away.
Our Protest
The unlawful, oppressive and arbitrary actions of the police on 25th March are a gross interference with a lawyer carrying out his duty to his client. Amer was discharging his duties in the best traditions of the Malaysian Bar, when he sought explanation from the police as to why his client was being arrested. Despite being surrounded by police, he continued to speak out for his client,as he was bound to do.
The aggressive and unlawful response of the police is a reflection of the general arrogance and lack of respect for the rule of law widely displayed by the police force. The matter is aggravated by the fact that Amer’s client was being arrested under an oppressive and unconstitutional preventive detention law.
The Malaysian Bar has forcefully and repeatedly called for the repeal of all preventive detention laws. The re-arrest of Benjy immediately after his release by the court is also a flagrant contempt of judicial authority. The Inspector General of Police must:
a) take stern action against the policemen who assaulted Amer Hamzah Arshad and the officer who was in charge of the operation;
b) undertake not to further interfere with lawyers carrying out their duties;
c) immediately stop the unjust practice of re-arresting under preventive detention laws persons released by court;
d) issue a public apology to all concerned;
e) undertake to respect the right of the Malaysian public for unimpeded and free access to lawyers at all times.







All lawyers and concerned citizens are welcome to join!

Issued by,
N.Surendran 012-3207066
Latheefa Koya 012-3842972


Dear fellow members of the Bar,

This mistreatment of Amer is a continuation of a long standing series of events and acts by the police that have failed to appreciate the role of the legal profession. The arrests of 5 legal aiders last year, the persistent denial of the right to counsel – section 28A of the CPC and Article 5 of the FC etc. The Bar had came out with strong resolutions on the arrest of the 5 lawyers, but unfortunately it remained a resolution without any outcome.

We must walk again. Today it might be Comrade Amer, we don’t know whose turn it will be next… It may be you.

It will be a hot day; please bring your sunglasses, hats, and umbrellas and of course you courage!

-Latheefa Koya

Souce: loyarburok