Tuesday 14 September 2010

As a Malaysian..


This long write-up is to actually reply a reply from a friend in my post 'what malay rights??!' 

I was having a hard time with the title so i just simply come up with the title. This is a very long post. I talk a lot. Thanks if you agree or even if you don't. it's just my 2 cents. Don't be angry.

Thanks for ur view my friend, Danial. Actually I never want to or feel like questioning what the bumiputera deserved to get compared to the non-Bumiputera. Constitution says hak Bumiputera, its fine for me. In my opinion, if you work hard, then you should deserve a well treatment tak kira bangsa dan agama. Entahla dah more than 50 years kita merdeka, tak cukup lagikah Melayu dibantu? Saya tak kata mereka tak patut dibantu tapi bantuan itu sudah mencukupi. Orang Melayu dah maju, dah berdiri sama tinggi duduk sama rendah dengan kaum lain.

Cuba tengok kat merata ada doctor, engineer, lawyer, accountant orang Melayu. So?? It's time that affirmative action be implemented based on needs and merits and not merely based on ethnic. I rasa affirmative action tu perlu dikurangkan untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan orang Melayu kepada kerajaan. Semakin banyak kita memberi, semakin banyak orang akan meminta.  It’s a human nature to be lazy and not to work hard when they always get help and support by the others.

Adakah bantuan kerajaan yang berterusan ini satu strategi untuk membeli undi orang Melayu kepada BN? Is it a strategy to secure the Malay votes by keep on helping them? Yeala kalau orang bagi you bantuan, you akan rasa terhutang budi kan. Im just asking.

Jika kerajaan kata non-Malays lebih maju, tak betul kerana ada banyak non-Malays yang poor and not educated. Let say you nak kata CIna tu kaya, then fikirlah macam mana mereka boleh kaya sedangkan mereka susah mendapat bantuan kerajaan? Ini kerana orang yang tak dibantu lazimnya akan berusaha lebih kerasa untuk memajukan hidup mereka. Bukan kah begitu??

It’s the government who makes its people not competitive enough by keep saying its people especially the Malays are far more behind than the rest, therefore they need help. It’s about psychology and perception. When people keep calling you stupid, you’ll eventually become stupid although you are not. I feel the Malays should be given moral support and praise them if they are good instead of keep on calling them poor and not developed. This culture has to be changed. It’s hard to be ahead of others when we are fear of ourselves. I strongly believe that the Malays and the Bumiputras never want to be labeled and called as a weak race or bangsa yang lemah anymore.

Apa yang I geram di sini ialah apabila orang bukan Melayu dikatakan menumpang, merampas hak mereka, membolos kekayaan mereka dan dipanggil pulang ke kampong halaman. Mana orang CIna orang India nak pergi?? Ini tanah saya. Asal saya Malaysia. Kalau betul betul ikut sejarah, bukannya orang Melayu yang asalnya dari Malaysia. Saya tidak ingin mempersoalkan asal usul nenek moyang tetapi soalnya di sini ialah soal hormat kepada orang lain. Kalau dah jodoh, pelbagai kaum yang melengkapkan Negara Malaysia, terima ia seadanya, biar kita meneruskan legasi daripada nenek moyang kita, tinggal bersama dengan harmoni di bawah satu bumbung.

I ada kawan India, Melayu, Orang Asli, orang Sabah dan Sarawak. Im ok with them they are fine with me. I understand, accept and learn from them. Is it that hard to be together as a family?? We should learn from the kids. Just look at the photo. They don’t even know what is race. It’s better if they are race blind. They just have to know that they are the same, Malaysian.

I totally against racism be it from the Chinese, Indians or Malays. There should not be double standard in punishing the racists. If the government wishes to use existing laws to silent its citizens, be fair for all. Jangan tutup mata bila penyangak itu sebulu dengan anda. Every single citizen should not be racist. Each and every one of us must not support racism.

Again I langsung tak faham apa itu sebenarnya Malay rights. Apa yang hebat sangat tentang Malay rights sehingga macam ada satu kuasa ghaib yang melarang sesiapa untuk berbincang tentangnya. Saya pun hairan siapa, kenapa dan bagaimana orang bukan Melayu ingin merampas Malay rights. MCMC gona arrest me for this statement. There should be a platform of debate and discussion.

Selalunya masalah ditimbulkan orang politikus. Jangan lah jadi macam tikus. Tikus tu simply makan. Politikus tu simply cakap. Tikus tu lari sana dan sembunyi. Politikus pula lepas cakap, blame orang lain, lepas buang batu disorok tanggannya. Tikus dan politikus share the same characteristic: licik and irresponsible.

Kalaulah suatu hari nanti, untuk sehari kita jangan berkata-kata dalam bahasa politik. How nice if everything is not being politicized and relate to religions or ethnicities. I wish one day we talk in one common language, be as one race, Malaysian. Afterall we breath the same air, our blood are red.

Cuba fikir apa akan jadi kalaulah kesemua bukan Melayu pupus di bumi Malaysia. 

For your information, I am a Chinese Malaysian. I born here. I grown up here. I've been here all this while for 22 years. I'm not an immigrant. I'm not from China. I'll end my life here, Malaysia. This is my home..

Anyway congrats Danial, ur hardwork paid off. =p

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